Magento 2 Integration: With The magnalister Plugin For Adobe Commerce You Can Comfortably Open Up New Online Markets

Do you want to achieve more growth with your business and open up new markets? With our magnalister plugin, which is now also available as Magento 2 Connector, we have already helped many online retailers achieve this goal. Thanks to the plugin, a true multi-channel sales integration with Adobe Commerce, formerly Magento Commerce / Magento 2, becomes possible. Beyond Amazon, you can list and manage your products with magnalister very easily on marketplaces like eBay, Kaufland, OTTO Market, Etsy, METRO and many more. In this article you can learn more about how our plugin can save you time & money on many different tasks in online retail.

Our plugin has been available for Magento 1 for a long time. Since our most recent integration, magnalister is now also available for Magento 2, that is for the new Adobe Commerce. So if you are migrating from Magento 1 to 2 and have already successfully used our plugin – you can now look forward to continuing your journey together with us.



This is why magnalister can take your business to the next level

magnalister in a few words and insightful figures

How magnalister works: The core features at a glance

Tapping into international Amazon platforms

These local and international online marketplaces are compatible with magnalister

Conclusion: Test the magnalister Magento 2 Connector now and sell more conveniently

This is why magnalister can take your business to the next level

This is why magnalister can take your business to the next level
Many companies sell through various different online marketplaces. This usually means setting up a separate seller account for each marketplace. Most businesses hence end up with quite a few accounts they have to manage simultaneously. To manage orders for each seller account separately, for example, takes a lot of time and can become costly. The beauty of magnalister is that you can list and manage your products (and orders) for the various marketplaces centrally via your store system backend.

This has some very clear advantages:

  • You reduce the workload for employees
  • You reduce the associated costs
  • You free up employees for other tasks
  • You improve the management of orders and thus increase customer satisfaction
  • You can conveniently open up new markets locally as well as internationally at the same time

magnalister in a few words and insightful figures

Spearheaded by our magnalister plugin, we have been in the online business since 2009. The tool ranks amongst the top downloads for various store systems. For Magento 1, the plugin has been around for many years. That’s why we are very happy to offer it now also as Magento 2 interface (i.e. as an integration with Adobe Commerce and the numerous online marketplaces).

We are proud that since 2009, online merchants thanks to the plugin…

  • … have been able to upload over 70 million products.
  • … generated over 2.2 billion dollars in order imports.
  • … have reached more than 110 million customers.

We are proud of these figures and hope that we will soon be able to include your product uploads, order imports and customers in these statistics.

How magnalister works: The core features at a glance

magnalister is built upon thousands of lines of well-written programming code – and accordingly, of course, held up by many good developers. Our plugin consists of numerous professionally developed interfaces. These connect various store systems with the most diverse online marketplaces and give you access to many helpful features. These we describe in detail below. The features include product upload, attribute and order status matching, price and inventory synchronization, automatic order import, invoice upload and interface customization via so-called hook points.

Product upload: List your products automatically and efficiently on multiple online marketplaces

A basic feature of the Magento 2 / Adobe Commerce integration is the product upload. In this process, you can upload individual products or entire categories. Before submitting, you can edit the product information. So, if you wish, you can adjust product titles and item descriptions or even add product images.

When using magnalister, the product upload from Adobe Commerce / Magento 2 takes place in two steps:

  1. You prepare the store products for upload
  2. You upload the products

1. Product preparation

There are two options for product preparation:

  • Either you request a new listing in the product catalog – including attribute matching.
  • Another option is to match the products with already existing ones – product matching.

Preparing your products becomes much easier thanks to these features. The product matching feature matches existing items against a unique identification number (GTIN, EAN, UPC, ISBN, MPN). If an item is matched – i.e. it already exists in the marketplace – the title, product description and product features can be taken from the catalog.

Attribute matching also makes life a little easier. We’ll go into this in more detail in the next section.

When product preparation is complete, save your entries in the magnalister plugin.

Then move to the second step.

2. Product upload

In the “Upload” tab, you will see the correctly prepared products. Here you will also see the most important product information, for example prices and stock levels as well as the type of preparation you have chosen. Now select the desired items, you can upload single or multiple items to the respective online marketplace.

Attribute matching: Match product features and variations such as “size” and “color” with marketplaces

This feature saves a lot of time during product preparation in the Adobe Commerce store system. After all, attribute matching offers an important option: When preparing your products, attributes and variations can be created in the format that is accepted by the respective marketplace.

This may sound trivial at first. And yet it affects one of the most common pain points of online retailers: product attributes such as “size” or “color” often deviate from the formats allowed in the catalogs of the online marketplaces. The result: frequent error messages occur during product uploads and troubleshooting can cost a lot of time. Now, if you can use magnalister to test attribute matches in advance, there will be little to no error messages. “Your products have been submitted successfully” – we all like to read this sentence, right?

For visibility on online marketplaces, the correct assignment of product variations and attributes is also very important. This is another benefit of attribute matching. After all, filter functions that many customers use, usually fall back on product attributes. If a customer uses filters to search for a yellow T-shirt in XL and you have a product with corresponding attributes, he or she will find it.

Price synchronization: Adjust pricces on different marketplaces simultaneously

If you want, you can use magnalister to automatically send the latest prices directly from your Magento 2 / Adobe Commerce webshop to the corresponding marketplace(s). In doing so, all prices can be synchronized uniformly from the store to the marketplaces. Alternatively, you can set up varying prices for the same product across the different marketplaces.

If you want to create different prices, setting up price or customer groups will allow you to do this directly from Adobe Commerce. You can set percentage or fixed markups or markdowns per marketplace.

Update and synchronize stock levels with the inventory management feature of our Magento 2 Connector

With magnalister you can keep your store inventory up to date at all times: Thanks to the inventory feature. The plugin compares the store inventory with the connected marketplaces. Therefore, you are then able to centrally manage the inventory in your own webshop or the connected enterprise resource planning (inventory management) system as well. If you don’t want to use the inventory synchronization, that’s not a problem either. You can simply deactivate the feature.

How it works: During the order import, magnalister recognizes the webshop product using its stock keeping unit (SKU). If product and SKU match, the plugin automatically reduces the stock in the store system.

A helpful detail: If you want to pause the sale of a product for a marketplace but continue to offer it in the webshop, this is possible thanks to the “Inactive items” option.

Magento 2 order management: Import and manage orders easily and automatically

magnalister can automatically import orders from the marketplace(s) into your Magento / Adobe Commerce system. Information like shipping and payment methods, will be imported and stored correctly for each order.

You can use email templates as desired to automatically notify your customers about the status of their order. Placeholders help to create notification messages.

Order status matching: Synchronize order status between Adobe Commerce and the marketplaces

Customers can see the current order status in their customer account of the respective online marketplace, for example “order received” or “shipped”. Some marketplace providers require retailers who handle shipping themselves to provide this information. This is used to determine shipping reliability. Being able to submit order status changes directly from the Adobe Commerce system to marketplaces is therefore very helpful. The shipping company and tracking code are also supplied at the same time.

This feature helps in two ways: On the one hand, it saves you a lot of effort. At the same time, it also increases your chances of getting a better ranking on the search results pages of the marketplace. You can achieve this by simply linking your Magento 2 store system to the online marketplaces via magnalister.

Invoice upload: Submit invoices automatically

If you create your own invoices, you can use magnalister to upload them directly from your store system to the online marketplaces. Either you generate the invoices in advance with the magnalister invoice wizard or with Adobe Commerce directly.

Hook Points: Customize your Magento 2 integration

If required, the interface can be customized using so-called hook points. These allow you to insert your own programming code, which in turn enables you to redefine and customize certain features. The hook points are update-safe and can be used to meet your requirements and workflow. For example, you can use them to create custom fields for order information in your store backend. Or you can use it to record an order number that magnalister does not send by default. Using hook points requires programming knowledge.


Tapping into international Amazon platforms

Tapping into international Amazon platforms
With magnalister, many international Amazon marketplaces can be connected to your Magento 2 / Adobe Commerce. Our plugin currently (as of January 2022) supports the following international Amazon platforms:

  • Amazon Netherlands
  • Amazon UK
  • Amazon USA
  • Amazon Canada
  • Amazon Austria
  • Amazon Italy
  • Amazon France
  • Amazon Spain
  • Amazon Australia
  • Amazon Singapore
  • Amazon Poland
  • Amazon Sweden

Many features of magnalister are specially adapted to international trade and facilitate sales in several countries and currencies. This means, your products can be automatically uploaded in the correct local currency. magnalister can also access the available languages of the products in the store, thus reducing language barriers.

These local and international online marketplaces are compatible with magnalister

As we already mentioned at the beginning, magnalister can be particularly helpful if you want to grow your company. More and more local and international marketplaces can be opened up with the plugin. magnalister is hence a good alternative to opening a new administration department for each new marketplace: Use our plugin and conveniently link the following local and international marketplaces to your Adobe Commerce backend, respectively your new Magento version.

  • Amazon (Europe, UK, Canada, USA, Australia, Singapore)
  • eBay (worldwide)
  • Rakuten (FR (formerly “Priceminister”))
  • Etsy
  • Google Shopping
  • METRO Marketplace
  • Kaufland
  • Check24
  • Ricardo
  • cDiscount (France)
  • Idealo

As you can see, the spectrum of marketplaces is already very broad. And we work daily to keep our portfolio up-to-date. If the relevance of a marketplace increases, it will most likely soon be possible to connect it via our Magento 2 / Adobe Commerce interface. As we cooperated with the developers of each marketplace from the very beginning, we are among the first to learn about innovations in online marketplaces and can quickly incorporate them into our tool.

Conclusion: Test the magnalister Magento 2 Connector now and sell more conveniently

In this article we have introduced you to our plugin and described the many ways in which it can simplify your efforts and help you enter many different markets. The plugin has proven itself on the market and we have been able to keep improving the features together with the marketplace developers.

Even though we stand behind what we write in this article, you might still be skeptical: In this case, try our plugin and its handy features for Adobe Commerce without any risk. You can do this free of charge for 30 days with full functionality: Link your Magento 2 / Adobe Commerce now with the marketplaces of your choice, for example eBay, Amazon, Kaufland, OTTO Market, METRO, Etsy, cDiscount and many more. Start selling your products centrally via your online store today and automate the management comfortably.

You only need a few clicks to connect your first marketplace via the Magento 2 integration / Adobe Commerce integration. And should you ever switch, our plugin is available for many other popular store systems as well. Test magnalister now in a 30 day free trial including all features.


Individual on-screen training for setup included

In our opinion, it should be easy to build a sales channel on the Internet and offer goods on the largest platforms worldwide. And yet: When you start off in e-commerce, there are certainly many questions.

Our competent support team is there to help you personally right from the start. If you like, use the possibility to set up the plugin together with our specialists according to your requirements as early as in the 30 day test period.

You contact us at any time:

Via phone: +49 (0)30 / 120 76 74 12
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